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How to write an article

Savv provides writers with a platfrom to publish their stories and grow. We are an open platfrom, where all writers can carve their niche and connect with their readers. This post outlines how to write an article on Savv

Articles on Savv are long form stories, which can include text, images, quotes, embedded links and more. We make it easy for writers to publish their stories, grow their audience and get paid for their work.

In this post, let's go over how to publish an article on Savv. Before you start, make sure you are logged in. You can set up your account here

Draft → Preview → Publish

To publish a story, you start with a draft, where write your story. You can then use the preview mode to see how your story will look like once published. When you are done, the final step is to publish the story, which is then immediately available to your readers.


Drafts provide an isolated space to write out your story before it is ready for publishing. All new stories or edits to existing stories start as drafts before they are published.

The Writer Hub is where you can start a new story or edit one of your existing articles. The writer hub is available at
. Alternatively, from the main menu, you can click on the pencil icon to go to the hub.

A screen shot of the writer hub image
The writer hub, from where you can start a new article or edit existing stories

To start a new article, click on the 'Plus' icon. This will create a new draft and then automatically redirect you to the editor.

On the lower part of the hub, there are the 'Drafts' and the 'Published' tabs. The 'Drafts' tab will list all your unpublihsed drafts, from where you can choose one to edit.

The 'Published' tab contains all your published articles, from where you can start editing an article. When you choose to edit a published article, a new draft is created from the published version, letting you make changes in an isolated space before merging them back with the original article.

Once you have created a new article or chosen to edit a story, you will be redirected to the editor. The editor has a clean and minimal interface to boost your focus and productivity, but still packes powerful features such as rich-text-editing and auto save to make editing a great experience.

A screenshot of the editor in its default blank state
The editor when you start a new article

In the editor, type in your story title, intro and optionally a main image. You can then write all of your story. You can learn more about the editor here or try out the demo here.


Before publishing a story, preview mode allows you to see how the changes will appear once published.

To open a story in preview mode, click on the three dots at the top-right of the editor then click on 'Preview' in the resulting menu. This opens the story in a new window in preview mode, where you can see how the story will look once published.

A screenshot of the editor with the menu open
Clicking on "Open preview" opens the story in a preview mode

The default preview is only accessible to the story author. In order to share a preview with others, you can create public preview links which enable those with the link to open the draft in preview mode.

To create a preview link, go to the edit menu, then click on 'Links' next to 'Previews'. This opens up a window with list of active preview links and an option to create a new link.

To create a link, enter the name of the link (for example the name of the person the link is meant for). You can also set an expiry date, which will automatically invalidate the link once the date is reached.

A screenshot of the editor with an article in preview mode
Preview mode: you can see how the article will look once published

Once the link is created, you can copy the link and share it with the person it is intended for. You can also delete active links, which will revoke access to the draft preview.


When you are done editing a story, use the publisher to send out the story to your readers.

To open the publisher from the editor, open the editor menu (click on the three dots on the upper right) then click on 'Publish'. This will open the story in the publisher. In preview mode, click on the third icon top open the publisher window.

A screenshot of the article publisher
The publisher window

At publish time, you can fine tune your SEO settings and add topics to the story. It is also at this point that you can add the story to a series, making it available to that series's subscribers.

SEO settings

The SEO settings allow you to customize your site's title, description, and image. These settings detemine how your story will look and behave when shared around the web, expecially on search engines such as Google and social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

  • SEO title - This will the the title that will be shown in the search engines and link previews. By default, the story title is used.
  • SEO description - This will the the description text that will be shown in the search engines and link previews. By default, the story intro is used.
  • SEO image - This image is used in link previews when your story is shared on social sites, such as Facebook and Twitter. By default, the first image in the article is used, or a default is generated automatically.

You can use topics to add your story to areas of interests, such as Science, Lifestyle and more.

When the story is published, those that follow the topics will get your story in their feed or emails, and also in the topics page. The topics are also used for the SEO keywords.


Series allow you to publish your stories behind a subscription, making the story available to readers with an active subscription.

When publishing, you can choose which series to publish an article into. Readers with an active subscription will be get the story in their feed and email too if they have activated email updates.

Once published, you will be given a link to the story page. The story is immediately available to your readers to read online.

A screenshot the screen when you successfully publish an article
Article successfully published

Your followers and those that follow the topics you have published into will get the story in their feed and for those that have email updates enabled, they will automatically get an emailed the story.

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