The Age of A Kenyan MP is 48 Years

Western & Nyanza average is 54 & 52 Respectively

16th February 2023, 11:56 AM
1 min read

The average age of a Kenyan MP (13th parliament) is 48 years. Western & Nyanza regions elected slightly older law markers at avg of 54 & 52 years respectively. The global average age of an MP is 53 years, and sub-Saharan Africa has the lowest regional average at 49 years. In the 1983 and 1988 Kenyan elections, the average age of a member of parliament was 43 years with only two women elected to both parliaments.

In 2015, there were 46,552 MPs in the world. The global average number of parliamentarians per country is 245. China has the largest parliament with 3,000 members in the Chinese National People's congress. The world's smallest parliament is in Micronesia with just 14 MPs.

The number of constituencies in Kenya has grown from 124 in 1963 to 290 in 2022. Over the years more constituencies have been created with North Horr constituency in Marsabit County as the largest and Mvita in Mombasa as the smallest - both created in 1988.

184 words • Published February 16 2023, 11:56 AM
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