read and write

Savv is your single destination to find and read great stories, as well as publish your own.
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Never miss a story

Savv helps you find new stories to read, explore what's popular with everyone else, and keep up to date with new stories.
The best stories, handpicked
Our home page provides you with a curated set of the best stories to read
Explore what's trending
Browse what everyone else is reading in the explore page, so you are always in the loop
Stay updated with new stories
Your feed brings you all the updated from people, topics and lists you follow, so you never miss a story
Start reading

Read and organize your stories

Savv provides you with a world-class reading experience, and tools to organize and get back to your stories
Elegant reading experience
We provide you with a well designed reader, one that minimizes distracions and helps you focus on your story
Adjust for comfort
You can customize your reading settings, such as font size and color theme, for the most comfortable reading experience
Save stories for later
You can save stories to your custom reading lists, so you can get back and read them later.
Explore saved stories

Publish your own stories

Savv gives you everything you need to publish your own stories, with simple yet elegant tools that make publishing simple for everyone
Seamless editing
Our inbult editor works on your phone and computer, and provides a seamless editing experience, with live preview and auto-save so you can edit your stories wherever inspiration strikes.
Draft to published in seconds
Get your stories from drafts to published in a seamless flow with options adjust your SEO settings, advanced settings like backdate your articles.
Get stats and insights
Your dashboard gives you useful insights on your stories, such as the number of views, reads and more so you can better understand your audience.
Start writing
Discover, read and write