In this day and age, how do you determine what your purpose is?
Oh, zero pressure! You have to follow your dream, answering the easiest question of what you want to be when you grow up, right?
When I was little, I proudly announced that I would be a pilot when I grew up. Wanna know what happened? I grew up.
Since then, I have discovered that yes, I am a pilot. It is up to me to steer this life of mine to the desired destination.
It is not as I thought it would be. What I am is an avid reader. I have read a lot of material and the best thing I ever read was the room.
Learning to read into situations I found myself in has served me well. I often wonder if I have realized my dream. This brought about the question of what brings me fulfilment.
Of course, growing up, we had school which as essential as it is, is quite misleading. It makes us postpone the search for our purpose. While I was in school, I was wrapped up in my grades and with going to better schools which in turn made me study courses and concentrate with what I was good at. This was not necessarily what I liked.
You can not find purpose in what you don’t like. This I discovered while I was working my previous job. The job was great and I would say, it served me well. However, I always felt like something was missing. More like, I could do something more.
This had me in quite a spiral and confused. I wanted to add skills and get into different roles hoping it would fill the void, it did not work, I was grasping at straws. It always felt like no one heard me.
I gave my job all I’ve got, I don’t to anything half-assed. I the decided to do different things all together.
People will tell you that you need to meditate, journal and the like. And I did. That’s not what gave me the answers though. Its a long snot and tear-filled journey and I’m not sure I’m there yet, but I see the foundations coming in.
Its not an easy thing to do especially with being older and in a stage where we are expected to support ourselves financially. Bills have to be paid, tummies filled and yeah life goes on as you are search.
With purpose, I don’t believe it is set that you only have one. I think it grows as you grow and can change, its importance is that it keeps you moving and gives drive.
As we do our jobs, let us embrace the void within. It makes you want to try different things and eventually you will be able to do something that fills it. Ignoring the void has lead to dire consequences. It can lead to unending depression whose consequences are unthinkable.
I have put a lot of thought into this topic. This is because of the rising cases of youth suicide and depressive states. I daresay, it has brought me to my knees many a time.
The first step is embracing the void. As you go on with your life take note of what you do most, what you spend the most money on outside of the basics, you can go from there.
Avoiding the void does not fill it. Lean into it and remove that which is blocking
While you find your Ikigai, remember to reach out to friends any family for support. You can do it alone but with people to lean on, you can have a bit of peace. Your thoughts alone, are loud enough to drive you insane.
All the best in your discovery of purpose! Remember the key is in trying anything you desire and leaning into it.