Life, as the saying goes, is for the living. How we choose to live is a story with different chapters daily and with different seasons.
Thinking about the tidbits I’ve collected over the years and how I see them manifest in different areas of my life, I see patterns.
I have so many questions. They are random and I can not deem to put them in any order. Some of which are:
Does everyone see them patterns? Do the scientists know anything about living things? Doing things in a manner that seems similar, does that make them the same?
Of course, there are in many other subjects. I have concentrated on this particular topic to shed light on human behaviour.
In my honest opinion, having dabbled in psychology and other human behaviour subjects, I don’t think anyone knows anything about anyone. I discover new things about myself each day. C’mon, no one knows me, they know the past me and still very little of it.
They say humans are creatures of habit. I don’t believe it. Mostly, they are creatures of convenience. Whom they benefit is up to them. Humans, living creatures, act in the benefit of themselves and their community.
I’m not sure if I am controversial or everyone thinks this, but humans have been programmed to be tame. To think that what they’ve been told is how things are.
I find myself deconstructing any structures and systems that I find myself entangled in. Of course, for there to be change, others have to agree with you, that has proven to be quite a feat. To change a society’s way of thinking is not easy and without a platform, maybe a chasing never.
Rules are meant to make us more civilized. However, what is the point of rules that are used to shepherd some while others run rampant? Could it be that the apex predators are reincarnated and are reborn in the same circles and drive their own agenda?
In which circle would I rather be? The sheep or the predator?
Truly, the world’s not a fair place. Isn’t it ironic that the preachers of water drink wine? How is wine not good for us while the Son of Man turned water into wine in a miracle?
Reading between the lines is simple. Someone once said, humans have their delusions, and from experience, the power to create, they hear what they want to hear. They interpret information in unique ways. That is what I meant when I said no one knows anything about anyone.
Opinion change with the available data. How you thought yesterday can easily change within a matter of hours when you are exposed to different information. Poor dissemination of information has led to poor and unjust decisions. I daresay, to generational suffering.
Growing up is realising that secret holders rule the world. This has made me hellbent on uncovering all areas where there are secrets. This is where there is most treachery and corruption in a bid to cover up the truth.
What I’d say is the ultimate rule, seek the truth and liberate your cycle. Obtain legitimate data!