The concept of life everlasting as a believer or non-believer, I can’t tell whether we are believers in our teens, sometimes looks like a modern fantasy.
Spirituality is heavily intertwined with science, and there are heated debates between scientists and religious bodies.
Science calls it energy, energy can neither be destroyed nor created, but transformed from one form to another.
Religion calls it spirit, with a promise of eternal life.
Drawing from these, we can conclude that life truly is everlasting. The question that rises then, is why don’t we have our memories in our next lives?
The argument brought forth is that what we recognise as the gut feeling is really experiences you’ve seen and had before, and are averse to them.
Another area where our previous lives may manifest, is in our dreams where we are said to be in an alternate universe.
The equation of death has existed and has been explained in many theories. I mean, doctors worldwide are in their labs looking to prolong life. What has been agreed upon worldwide is that death is a constant. When will you allow yourself to live if not now? A new day or year is not promised.
Make each new day memorable by doing something new, or thinking of a new thought for creation. Do not be afraid to dream. That little light in you, let it shine!
Faith and manifestation go hand in hand, anyway, they are the same thing with believers of different communities.
Taking care of our beliefs not to cloud and manifest negative fears in our lives is vital. We are the creators of the universe. Our experiences and the visible things in the world, first existed in the subconscious mind.
People operate on different frequencies and have different energy levels. Energy is majorly affected by vibration. The higher the vibration, the higher the energy levels and vv.
Vibrations form waves. These are forces that exist everywhere, in water, in air, sound, in the brain et al.
When people are at their lowest with low energy levels and vibrations, they affect those around them. This is where terms like energy vampires originate. You may feel drained as you drive waves that have no power.
We should take care to always be aware of our thoughts and words. They are huge determinants of the vibrations we are transmitting. Not just within ourselves but to those around us.
True to the words, what goes around does come around. The earth being “spherical”, the waves sent travel and will reach back at ya. It’s better to have higher vibrations as the world becomes a better place.
Life is spiritual. Nourish your spirit with great associations, great words, watch how you speak to yourself and others. This easily done when we have discipline and self-awareness.
To increase your self-awareness, journaling and meditation are your friends, although different people have different methods.
Wouldn’t you be so mad to find out that you missed out in life because of one of your lives where your attitude was foul?
Be your brothers keepers in this everlasting life.