Being better is all we want to be as human beings. The question and mark of being better is however calculated differently from person to person. What standard do you hold yourself against?
What is important to you? That is the true test of my better. Why is it important? That is my standard.
When I set my standards, I find I have no option but to work up to it and accept no less.
I found myself oblivious to the world around me. Living day in, and day out unconscious of what was going on. When I opened my eyes to it, I found that I had been accepting the bare minimum for myself.
I was bitter and cried for the naivety that I had carried myself with. It was painful, and I wanted to lash out and blame those around me but found that to be futile.
From then on, I resolved to want and demand better for myself. In all aspects of my life I have changed all I do not like. I take note of all things that happen everyday, the good and the bad.
The food I eat, I set my own standards. The way I speak to myself, internally and out loud, I’m changing on the daily. I read that the brain is a software that can be updated and I aim to have better version at the end of each day. And where possible all bugs are eliminated.
The system is already designed. Living with regrets is not anyway of living life. The best move is redesigning your system. Of course, it can’t be done or undone in a day. I daresay, it will be a lifelong task.
We should aim to redesign module by module. We do not want to be frustrated, this serves no purpose. It is your life, the standards are yours so is the pace.
While redesigning, it is okay to pick ideas from other people but maintain your authenticity. The point is for you to be better and not compare yourself to those you think are better than you. Case in point, no one is better than you. In this life, everyone has a different journey. What you see from outside, no matter how close you are to said person, they can not compare to you.
In the new design, we better have higher standards. Each version only compared to the previous one with all bugs sorted. Top notch quality designs for all.
The idea of redesigning your system is common yet difficult. We set the standards then give it a few days and give up. Some of the clichéd quotes play around my mine and I go like, “Yoh, patience is a virtue”.
I would love to give a guide on how to better yourself but I’d be lying. It is a long and odious process that only succeeds when you have made your decision and are determined. Negative thoughts when given free reign in your brain can drive you insane.
I was thinking, the universe is vast. As much as your brain conjures ideologies of those against you. It has more people who vouch for you, especially strangers. When the version of yourself is at its best, there are people who want to meet you. They are waiting for that updated version.
So yeah, we are vouching for you. Set the standards as high as they can go. When you reach those targets, set them higher. There is always a better version of yourself.